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May 31, 2012

Manila Zoo

Hi readers!

   Why I visited Manila Zoo? I have two reasons: number one because visiting a safari park is part of 2012 BDJ checklist (no.# 91 take a trip to a safari park - I just substitute it over safari park (^_^). Maybe some of you think, why don't you visit Subic Safari instead?! I don't have enough time and budget to visit that place right now, since Manila Zoo is near in our place and the most practical way, I chose it. Second reason, we've seen over the news about an Elephant name Mali, I wonder what the elephant look like today than the day I last visited the zoo and also I'm curious what the zoo really look like right now. I been in Manila Zoo for several times, but the most memorable one was the time during my childhood when my father was still with us. My parents brought us to the Manila Zoo (that was during my grade school days). As I remember the zoo has a lot of animals. I remember I've seen giraffes, hippopotamus, lions, different kind of monkeys, snakes and more. The zoo that time was one of Manila's best attractions. 
   The other time I went there was during my college day, my professor in Biology class gave us an assignment in writing down scientific name of animals (remember this Ria (^_^)?) I also saw other student doing the same assignment. I also saw one student throwing bottle of water in one of crocodile (the crocodile don't move or act like frozen , that student maybe curious if he distract the crocodile will it move). Sadly, what the student did were wrong and maybe throwing things or feeding animals in wrong way might be one of the reason why Manila Zoo was not as attractive anymore, or it may be also the reason why some animal just died. 
  Now let me continue my story. Last May 12, my family visited Manila Zoo. We also brought my 2 years old niece, we want her to see the elephant in real life. The entrance fee cost P40.00 pesos for adult and P20.00 pesos for children. 
Entrance to Manila Zoo
Rules and policies posted on the gate.
You can buy tickets here.
The only elephant in the zoo, Mali. To know more about Mali read it here
The ostrich look like unwell. (Parang may sakit :(
Above photo's: animal I saw, left side is a  Sailfin Water Lizard and right side are brown lambs
Below photo's:  somebody don't have a heart and threw a bottle of water on the crocodile (remember same story I told you above) If people continue throwing trash to the animals, their environment becomes dirty and that will be one factor or cause of their death and no wonder in the future this Zoo will be close. Right photo, this is the only large monkey I saw. I remember when I was young when we visited this zoo I saw different kind of monkeys.
Other problem I've seen:
Information Booth with no personnel.
My mother wanted to know if the zoo still has giraffes (she wanted to show it to my niece). So we look for any information center and we found this information booth but unfortunately  no one man this area :(
(So what is the purpose of this anyway?)
There are a lot of rusty cages that no animal. 
And several damage cages. 
I also notice that there are lots of vendors.
I'm not against to those people who just want to earn money but I observe the zoo has too many vendors, or mas marami pa ang nagtitinda o may pinagkakakitaan kesa sa mga animals.
I saw lot of stalls, I also saw photo booth area where you can have picture with a big snake for P100.00

oh well business anyway. 
The river side was still part of the zoo.  
   I read and heard that PETA (People for the ethical treatment of Animals) wished for closure of Manila Zoo, to be honest I have two sentiments. When I saw the situation of the animals and the zoo itself  I will stand and say 'Yes!' Animal should be in their natural habitat. If you past by in Manila Zoo area you'll notice that around that area was starting to develop and became commercialized, pollution like noise and air pollution can  affect animal's health. My other sentiment is this; the problem in Manila Zoo can still have solution or can still be improve. Renovate the interiors, the facilities, hire more maintenance and professional people like veterinarian who have more knowledge about animals. I think raising zoo entrance fee (but not too high to be question) does not matter, as long as the zoo maintain properly. I also say 'No!' for closure because of my good memories in Manila Zoo with my family during my childhood. I know some of you also have good memories too while visiting this zoo especially when you spend time with your love ones. Just like the photo below:
Family visiting the zoo.
   Manila Zoo is very accessible for those who live in the city. Look at the picture above even the person with disability can visit this place anytime. Manileños can enjoy and relax in this place (I saw many senior citizen walking around the zoo). I'm just hoping this place will soon be improve, because if closure of Manila Zoo is the last option then some* children may not able to see what these animals look like in real life, some of them may only see it on photos, television or videos.

Thank you for reading, please visit my blog again (^_^)

* some means for those children whose parents can not afford to spend more money to visit other zoo located in far places. 

1 comment:

  1. oh this breaks my heart. The last time my family visited was maybe 20 years ago. And that was a long time. but even then Manila Zoo was badly maintained. but Mali looks so cute.
