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May 27, 2010

Writing My First Blog

Hi readers!

   Welcome to my blog!!! Or should I say welcome to my world!, I'm very happy I created my blog here on Blogspot. My blog title Gencified, came from the combination of my name. Genci means G for Glenn (which is my name) and Enci- for Encinares which is my surname, and the word fied comes from the word Classified, which means a different thing. So, the combination of Gencified means a mixture of things I personally like. 

What to expect on Gencified:

Beauty: I love sharing product reviews with my friends, since I have this blog, I'll be posting Makeup and Product reviews and other beauty-related topics.

Fashion: You can expect runway stories, news about designers, fashion week posts, latest trends, fashion event announcements, my personal choice of style, fashion observation, and more.

Lifestyle: Events, announcement, food discoveries, travel and photography and I'll be posting what are the current trending  (I'll do this but I can't promise to do this daily or as often) and expect more...

I'm also going to include or write my Personal blog; it is about my personal story and adventures. 

Hope you like my blog. Thank you very much for dropping by!